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The Optum StrapWrap

The StrapWrap is a free medical alert wrap for patients who have a bleeding disorder or are on parenteral nutrition (PN).


What it is

The Optum® StrapWrap® is a medical alert wrap that attaches to a seatbelt, backpack or other strap. It stores medical and personal information.

The StrapWrap’s red color and medical logo will help first responders to find the patient’s information quickly.


Free for people who need them

We can give a free StrapWrap to people who have bleeding disorders or are on parenteral nutrition. We’ll talk with you or your loved one to fill out the form before we send the StrapWrap. This way, it’s ready when you get it.

We can give each patient one StrapWrap per year.




young family outside 


Get support

Request your free StrapWrap

Please fill out the form to receive your StrapWrap. We are proud to offer special medical-alert products for people who have bleeding disorders. Due to limited quantities, these items are available only to U.S. residents who are members of the bleeding disorders community.